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MICRO DNA Needle Patch

A safe and efficient
next-generation TDDS

Rapid and safe medicine delivery
with the MICRO DNA Needle Patch

Extending beyond
the conventional drug delivery system

to administer medicine quickly and safety
with the MICRO DNA Needle Patch!
MICRO DNA Needle Patch

It delivers medication
fast and safely free of health
and safety concerns.

Has proprietary ADMBS’ original patented technologies

MICRO DNA Needle Patch

  1. DDS
    Administers oral, mucosal, inhaled, injectable drugs
  2. TDDS
    Transdermal drug delivery
  3. TDDS-Micro Needle
    Delivers drugs using an adhesive microneedle skin patch.
  4. MICRO DNA Needle Patch
    Delivers drugs using PDRN needles with API based on unrivaled patented technology by ADMBS


A painless platform technology that delivers active ingredients using an adhesive DNA microneedle skin patch

Base Ingredients PDRN

A compound of active materials
that include DNA-based drugs

  1. Penetrate
  2. Dissolved
  3. Absorbed
ADM Bioscience

Medical PDRN

Evolution of drug delivery technology proceeds together with ADM.

Drug delivery technology evolves anew.

  • Vaccine
    COVID-19, flu, hepatitis, etc.
  • Vitamin
  • Botox
  • Insulin
  • Hormon
  • Donepezil
  • Proven stability and technology
  • Optimum manufacturing facilities

Unrivaled patented technology
by ADM Bioscience

  • CGMP
  • ISO 22716